Thursday 17 March 2016

                             GOD : A FACT, A MYTH

GOD. ALLAH. ISHWAR. KHUDA. Name him in any manner you like but the only meaning reflected is a 'SUPERIOR BEING'. We humans are worshiping this entity from millenniums without acknowledging his reality. Being an atheous I don't really care about it's existence but I want an answer to a question that we all seize, "WHAT IS GOD?"

Every tribe, Every Culture, Every Religion, Even though Every Country tends to have it's own deity, Summing up those we get over 330 million only in Indian mythology. That's really a big sophisticated number because none of these gods have a similar custom or similar way of worship. That makes us believe that maybe this entity has a distinct existence, Especially because of a long chain of believers behind it. Maybe GOD is more than a MYTH and is embossed inside the FACT. But contradictions and anomalies comes with position so is criticism. One or the other facts about GOD make us think about his palace or his home, we cant miss the HEAVEN, right.

Call it a HEAVEN, Call it an ELYSIUM but the reflection to these words is just a Paradise. GODS live in Paradise, HEAVEN to be Specific. But where is this ? Asking this to anyone will give this answer, 'up'. Up in the Sky, far above the Stars and the mighty galaxy. Maybe the answer is true, Well not really as the scientist are able to explore a very vast universe using the Hubble and the Kepler's Telescope and indeed they did never received any information in support to the existence of GODS. Some may say, 'Oh, you know nothing. GODS RESIDE FAR MORE THAN THIS SMALL DISTANCE!' To them I would probably say 'Sir, You need some sort of medication'. Hope is not dead but senses are alive, Maybe Gods defy any human explanation but every Human who is not knocked out of his or her senses would probably know if exploring a whole universe just to find GOD for 30 years is SENSIBLE or IDIOTIC. Dude, you will never find your DEITY.

Yet we cannot deny the other possibility about the existence of this deity. Miracles happens in every godly state especially in one with huge and die hard followers of GOD. The most famous being the STIGMATA and THE BLEEDING HOST. Science has never been exactly able to tell us how and why did these things happened and hence they both became a creation of GOD and a sign of his empathy towards us all. So there is a small but visible possibility of the facts in the existence of GOD.

Basically both the options can be either a MYTH or a FACT. And believe me friend you will never find your answers because every answer to your question will bore a new question. So
 'IS GOD A MYTH OR FACT?' Let me pass this question on to you...... 

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